Developed by BioQuest Apps

Breast Health - Dr. Reddy’s 2.0.0
The Breast Health App has been developed topromote awareness on breast health. Early detection is key toreducing the chances of death due to breast cancer. Learn about therisk factors for developing breast cancer, signs and symptoms torecognize breast cancer, and recommendations for early detection.The app also provides tools to assess ones risk of developingbreast cancer, locate mammography centers and set up reminders forbreast exams and mammography appointments.
Pain Stethoscope
‘Pain Stethoscope’ is an androidcompatibletool introduced by Mundipharma to assess and graphpatient-reportedoutcomes of chronic pain management overtime.Pain metrics like NRS (Numeric Rating Scale), interferencewithactivities of daily living and interference with sleep,aredisplayed on a clinical flow-sheet and captured at eachpatientvisit. Pain Stethoscope is designed to be brief, easy to useandvisual, allowing patients and providers to better understandtherelationship between chronic pain treatments and outcomesthatmatter to patients.Use of Pain Stethoscope or similar brief assessmenttoolsactively engages patients in the selection and assessmentofpersonally important goals and outcomes. Longitudinal trackingisthen graphically displayed at the time of each subsequentencounterso that treatment of pain, interference with dailyactivities andsleep is immediately visible to treatment providerand the patient,fostering improved communication, collaboration,andself-management.This App is intended for suitably qualified healthcareprofessionals only. Downloading the App is considered adeclarationof your status as a licensed medical or healthcareprofessional